Framed Flower Block - RBD Block Challenge, Block 3

It is week three of the RBD Block Challenge.
This fun block is the Framed Flower Block, which was designed by Carina Gardner.
Framed Flower Block - RBD Block Challenge Week 3
To explain a little more about the Riley Blake Design Block Challenge.
This year Riley Blake Design is hosting their block challenge again.
And each block is part of the Riley Blake Design Mystery Quilt.


Riley Blake Designs Block Challenge 2021


The challenge will have 16 blocks. The blocks are designed by the Riley Blake designers. Each Tuesday of the month a new block will be revealed, except for the last week of the month when it is a catch up week. The blocks for the project will work together to make a quilt sampler at the end of the 16 weeks.

The project will be running from 2nd February until 22nd June, so a great pace to join in at anytime.

Block 3 pieces cut and ready to assemble for the RBD Block Challenge


With this project I decided to use a cute bundle I already had in my stash. The bundle is the Wintergreen Riley Blake Blends, curated by the Fat Quarter Shop. 

For this Block 3, the Framed Flower Block, I used the following fabrics;

A - Pemberley Ball in Blue by Rachel from Citrus and Mint Designs
B - Yellow Gingham by Jen Allyson from the Flower Market Collection
C/E - Kona White
D - Sugarhouse Park Navy Dot by Amy Smart from Diary of a Quilter

If you are interested to join the challenge but have not yet started, here is a link to the patterns - click here

Happy stitching Friends!

Dotty and Grace


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